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Steady State – HECM Lenders April 2021

HECM endorsements dropped -0.8% in April, finishing at 4,187 loans.

With such a small decline nationally it was a bit surprising to have just 3 of the 10 regions we track show growth:

  • Southwest had a banner month, popping 53.6% to 341 loans to fully recover from a disastrous March
  • New York/New Jersey rose 16.1% to 187 loans
  • Great Plains gained 13.4% to 76 loans

Lenders fared slightly better, with 4 of the top 10 posting gains:

  • Liberty jumped 18% to 314 loans, their highest showing in 11 months
  • Open Mortgage increased 16.4% to 234 loans
  • Longbridge rose 14.3% to 208 loans

Click the image below for the full report.