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Reverse Mortgage Retail Leaders – July 2010

We’re a few days behind our usual schedule as we enjoyed a quick trip out to Dallas for Reverse Mortgage Day in Texas. As always, it was very well organized and if you were busy networking in the halls or didn’t attend, you can find our presentation on current trends in the reverse mortgage space here.

July saw another double digit increase in HECM endorsement volumes over June, up 11.3% to 5,901 loans.  Still well off last year’s pace, but gaining traction as the application volume increases indicated a few months back.

  • July’s strength was broad based, with the 8 higher volume regions all showing increases and only Rocky Mountain and Great Plains declining.  Both of the decliners have consistently been the smallest volume regions anyway, so they didn’t slow the overall industry growth significantly.
  • Competition increased in July although at a much slower rate (+3.5%) that continues to illustrate a trend toward the larger companies surviving best in this environment.
  • Despite just 4 of the top 10 lenders increasing volume from June, the top 10 as a group grew faster than the overall market, up 15.1%.  Triple digit jumps from Wells Fargo and Metlife led the way, with Genworth continuing its recent growth streak by almost doubling for the second month in a row.
  • In spite of the continuing lower volume levels the industry is actually approaching a 2 year high in average monthly endorsements per lender, due entirely to the drastic reduction in competitors.
  • Among the 81 markets tracked here, several large cities stand out for having the highest monthly productivity figures per lender (endorsements per lender): Houston, New York and San Francisco each are among the top markets year to date. Of course, if you can overcome the regulatory/licensing restrictions in North Carolina or the Caribbean, Greensboro and Puerto Rico are both off the charts…

We don’t talk too much about our paid client services in this space since we know most readers are just looking for a quick (free) update on the reverse mortgage market.  For those of you who are looking to identify the top zip codes in your territory to target your marketing (seminars, mail, etc.), head over to our Retail & Brokers page to check out a new service we’re offering for just $20 per month: Sales Territory Scorecard.

Just tell us where you do business and start targeting your efforts where your sales and marketing efforts are most productive.

The full report is available by clicking the image below. Enjoy!

Retail Leaders Report