RMI Pricing Platform
Save Time. Price Loans Right the First Time.
Optimize Loans, Protect Profits and See Pricing Including Full HMBS Valuation
- Brokers can quickly compare rate sheets from multiple lenders and choose the ideal loan scenario for both their borrowers and themselves. Easily balancing revenue and borrower proceeds from various margins.
- Lenders can easily price their loans against the competition in advance of closing and bidding them out and then generate and distribute internal and external rate sheets with margins built in.
- HMBS Issuers can quickly see the loans already in the market, create and distribute competitive rate sheets for wholesale and retail channels, and always see the full valuation of any loan.
See Exactly What RMI’s Pricing Platform Can Do For Your Business
Request a 15-minute overview of all the tools inside the platform or schedule a more in-
depth demonstration of specific capabilities.