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Lower Together – HECM Originators July 2022

HECM endorsements dropped -17.1% in July, with both channels falling lower together. Retail/direct lenders lost -19.0% while the Wholesale/broker channel dropped -14.7%.

  • Longbridge stood out as the only top 10 lender to increase volume, rising 30.3% to 945 loans – an all time company high for this report
  • H2H refinance case numbers issued dropped to 1,023 in July – from a peak of 3,848 in Aug 2021 and 3,458 just 4 months earlier
  • Equity Takeout cases issued (new reverses that are neither purchase nor refinances) came in at 3,547, mostly level with the prior 3 months although again down somewhat from a recent high in March

Several originators overcame the tough sledding for most of the top 10 and industry overall:

  • Premier Reverse Mortgage jumped 280% in July to 19 loans and 71 year to date
  • Mortgage South of TN tripled in July to 12 loans and the #45 spot for the month
  • Leader One Financial rose 180% to 14 loans and 70 YTD

If you’re still looking for ways to grow your volume outside H2H, check out growth ideas beyond refis.

Check out the full rankings on pages 3 and 4 of the full report below by clicking on the image.