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Hello Brokers – HECM Originators July 2013

Updates from a broker and wholesale perspective have been hard to come by this year, but publishing this July edition of HECM Originators should give a better sense of total industry rankings including the effects of broker volumes.

We already know that HECM endorsement volume was up in July, but it had been harder to track business mix between retail and wholesale and combined volume rankings. We can see from this report that wholesale continues to hold steady around 56% of volume. It’s been as high as 61% and as low as 53% in the past twelve months.

From a lender rankings perspective, there’s a rather interesting spin happening right now.

  • Liberty continues to hold the top spot by virtue of ranking 2nd in wholesale and 4th in retail
  • Security One/RMS is ranked second, but at 4th in wholesale and 3rd in retail
  • Urban comes in 3rd overall as the top wholesale lender and 7th in retail
  • AAG is 4th with the top retail ranking and 8th for wholesale
  • There’s also a larger loan volume gap between Liberty at 1st and S1L/RMS at 2nd compared to S1L/RMS and Generation @ 5th, showing the effect of tight competition for the 4 spots below our current largest lender

Find your company in the trailing twelve month rankings (page 3) or July rankings (page 4) by clicking the image below to access the report.