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HECM Trends – January 2018

The new year started with a bang, showing a spike in endorsements driven by FHA’s HECM product changes that took effect October 2.

From a geographic perspective, there was significant disparity around the country even with the strong growth nationally:

  • Oregon banged out 212.7% growth on the month compared to Jan 2017, to 222 loans
  • Portland, OR had an impressive 161.1% jump but was bested by Seattle at 181.8% among top 10 cities
  • The county and zip code lists were all dominated by the west, with nothing east of CO in either list

If you’re interested in finding more gems beyond the top ten in your territory, our Dashboard is the easiest tool to explore your market. Call Jon McCue at 682-651-5632 for your free trial.

For more on the national HECM Trends, get the full report by clicking the image below.

HECM Trends