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HECM Trends – February 2018

HECM volume dropped significantly in February but together with January are still up 27.9% compared to the first two months last year. Several areas are up significantly more than that even:

  • So far Seattle looks like Denver did last year, rising 112.2% to 87 loans in 2 months
  • Oregon has put in an impressive start, jumping 106.9% to 360 loans
  • Portland, OR has led the charge there, gaining 75.9% to 95 loans

If you’re interested in finding more gems beyond the top ten in your territory, our Dashboard is the easiest tool to explore your market. Call Jon McCue at 682-651-5632 for your free trial.

For more on the national HECM Trends, get the full report by clicking the image below.

HECM Trends