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HECM Trends – December 2017

2017 ended with December’s HECM endorsement volume right on top December 2016, although the year as a whole boasted 16.7% growth. 2018 is likely to be a much rougher year, but as always there will be relative bright spots to seek out.

For 2017, here were the big winners:

  • Colorado finished an incredible year, rising 68% to 3,355 loans and 4th place ahead of New York
  • Oregon grew 44.6% to 1,419 loans
  • Washington took the bronze by jumping 41.6% to 1,973 loans

If you’re interested in finding more gems beyond the top ten in your territory, our Dashboard is the easiest tool to explore your market. Call Jon McCue at 682-651-5632 for your free trial.

For more on the national HECM Trends, get the full report by clicking the image below.

HECM Trends