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HECM Originators September 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in every corner of the reverse mortgage industry! Hope everyone has fantastic feasts with family and friends.

September HECM endorsements dropped -18.8%, but as we typically see in volatile months for volume wholesale moved quite a bit more, dropping -26.2% compared to retail’s -11.6%. As usual though some companies bucked the trend.

  • AAG crept up 0.5%, no small feat in the face of a stiff industry drop on the month
  • Even more impressive was a 44.7% increase from Home Point at the #10 spot in our rankings, to their highest total since March

Don’t forget to check out the rankings on page 3 (trailing twelve months with channel splits) and page 4 (single month retail only). If your company is not an FHA approved lender, these are the only industry rankings where you’ll appear!

Click the image below to access the full report.