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HECM Originators – May 2018

May’s HECM endorsements rose 0.2% in what we now know was a small calm before the further drop in June.

Fittingly, 5 of the top 10 lenders rose in the mostly unchanged month and as always, some made the most of the choppiness:

  • Live Well jumped 39.7% to 176 loans, reclaiming much of the drop in April
  • Longbridge rose 22.7% to 146 loans, almost doubling their May 2017 level
  • And AAG rose 12.4% at the top of the table, to 1,050 loans

Look out for this report each month as the most accurate reflection of origination loan counts available!

Click the image below to access the full report.

HECM Originators