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HECM Originators – March 2021

HECM endorsements rose 3.7% in March as Retail outpaced Wholesale, 4.1% to 3.3%.

Several top 10 lenders recovered well from a poor February:

  • HighTech continued its every other month cycle with 98 loans, a 133.3% jump from Feb and just above its January total of 94 loans
  • RMF gained 26.7% to 564 loans to balance out the Feb drop and make it 3 of the past 4 months over 500 loans
  • FAR also bounced back 17.4% to 788 loan in March after dipping below 700 in Feb

Check out the originator rankings on page 4 to see more companies outside the top 10 doubling or tripling their reverse volume this year!

See the full report below by clicking on the image.

HECM Originators