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Refis Driving – HECM Originators Feb 2022

We already know HECM endorsements dropped in February, but now we know that both business channels showed similar trends on the month.

We can also now say that refis continued at a high level at just over 50% of all endorsements in February – consistent with the past 9 months starting last June in a tight range between 48.6-51.4%.

Just one top 10 lender bucked the decline:

  • Hightech extended its gains from January, adding 20% to finish with 114 loans

A few originators are up strongly YTD already:

  • Goodlife was up 300% on the month and 104.6% YTD, but while Feb was >70% refi for them it was down from >90% in Jan
  • Crosscountry doubled in Feb and is up 80% YTD – with just 16.7% refis in Feb!

Check out the full rankings on pages 3 and 4 of the full report below by clicking on the image.