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HECM Lenders – February 2020

HECM endorsements declined -13.6% in February, moderating the blistering January pace but still well above levels from early 2019.

Just 3 of the 10 regions we track were up on the month.

  • Great Plains was up 17.9% but as the smallest region it was just 66 loans
  • Rocky Mountain has made quite a charge in the past year to challenge Southeast/Caribbean for #2 and rose a further 6.8% to 424 loans. Last March it was just 240 loans.
  • Southwest gained 4.8% to total 308 loans

Four of the top ten lenders were up on the month:

  • Fairway led the way, rising 61.3% to 150 loans and its highest monthly showing since January 2018
  • Finance of America Reverse leaped 27.3% to 280 loans
  • Liberty jumped 22.5% to finish with 582 loans, its highest monthly volume since March 2014!

Click the image below for the full report.