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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Active Lender Growth

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our

Reverse Mortgage Growth Trend

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our

Reverse Mortgage Loan Limits and New MIC Reports

Wow, its taken a lot longer than we planned to get our November newsletter out, so we’ve decided that in the spirit of the holidays, we’d give ourselves a gift and combine it with December. And since we know that all of you have been waiting breathlessly for this, we are sending this out during […]

Reverse Mortgage Sales Performance

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our

Bubbles In Reverse?

Bubbles In Reverse?

We’ve all heard enough talk of bubbles by this point to make any two year old happy, but weve seen some recent events that are worth discussing. In this inaugural ReverseIQ newsletter, well point out a product that defies conventional logic and an analysis relating to the flood of new competitors youre […]

ReverseIQ – Managing Costs in a Competitive Environment

Garrett, Watts & Co pointed out in a recent newsletter that mortgage banking is a commodity business, and its the low-cost provider that wins. We’ll take it a step further and say that its the low-cost producers that survive. With essentially one product in our industry, this rings especially true.

One of the easiest places […]

Capital Wins

“Cash is king”

“He who has the gold makes the rules”

These two well-worn sayings accurately capture the current state of the reverse mortgage industry, as both warehouse lines and secondary market liquidity continue to be under pressure for the reverse mortgage corner of the market.  In many ways this seems entirely