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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Industry Trends – July 2009

The end of August is near, and that means it’s time for the monthly Industry Trends report.  We’ve mentioned a couple times already that endorsement volume for the year is running almost neck and neck with last year – it’s a virtual dead heat as 2009 numbers trail 2008 by 21 units. But what makes […]

Wholesale Leaders – July 2009

Our Wholesale Leaders report is now available for July, 2009. Wholesale made up 5,392 of the 9,828 units done in July, bringing the YTD number to 35,204. Financial Freedom remains the top wholesale lender for the trailing twelve months, but it’s close. MetLife continues its short-term run, however, and has held on to the top spot […]

Retail Leaders – July 2009

July’s endorsement data is now available.  You could mire yourself in the HUD data to try to glean the nuggets of information it contains, or you can just read on and let our Retail Leaders report and commentary do it for you!

Highlights from the month:

  • Endorsement volume rebounded a bit from the prior two months, coming […]

Industry Trends – June 2009

Where is the summer going?  Already the end of July, but not to worry as we have a fresh batch of industry trends for you just in time for month end. A bit of housekeeping before we talk about the highlights of the report: For those of you who read this via email, the report […]

Wholesale Leaders – June 2009

Wholesale has had a tough couple of months, but looks like June was a little happier in the broker/wholesaler world.  After last month’s 20% drop, wholesale volume picked up a bit in June, growing just north of 8% to 4,623 units, with trailing 12 month volume coming in at 60,448.

There is a new #1 in […]

Industry Trends – May 2009

Yes, we know that it’s July and this report shows May numbers, but rest assured it’s not a typo. We’re crossing our fingers that we’ll be back on track with our June results — believe us when we say that we’d prefer to get these out ASAP… But, its summer, and we can’t promise that […]

Wholesale Leaders – May 2009

After a lengthy delay, we finally have the Wholesale Leaders Report for May available, and the results certainly reflect the trends seen in the HECM Endorsement reports.

Overall Wholesale volume for the month of May was down 20% from the prior month, to 4,275 units. This compares to a 35.5% drop in direct endorsed loans, […]

Retail Leaders – June 2009

Retail endorsement results are out for the month of June, with overall volume for the month coming in at 8,633 units – a 2.8% increase over May, but still significantly below the average for the last 12 months.  Unfortunately, the relatively weak numbers for June now put the industry slightly behind 2008 volume, trailing by […]

UPDATE – $798 Million Subsidy Request

After a great deal of interest around the industry from our recent post on HUD’s FY2010 subsidy request for the HECM program, some friends in the industry have been kind enough to help clarify some questions we raised in the original post.

In the original piece we offered several possible perspectives for understanding […]