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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wholesale Leaders – January 2010

Our first report of the new year and we have a new top wholesale lender to report.  After an extended run of growth in the wholesale business assisted in no small part to being early in the fixed rate product, Metlife has risen to take the top volume spot among wholesale lenders.  Bank of America […]

Retail Leaders – February 2010

The retail endorsement numbers for February 2010 are now available.  Endorsement volume came in at 7,024 units for the month, a 7.9% drop from January, and a decline of 22.7% from last year.  It seems like each month we’re reaching further back for a comparable volume period – we have to go all the way […]

Industry Trends – December 2009

In any other circumstance, we wouldn’t be bidding a fond farewell to 2009 since it was the first decline in overall industry volume in recent memory.  However, in light of what is shaping up to be a significantly tougher 2010, we’re almost nostalgic about the year just ended.

Here’s an update on our running application trend […]

Wholesale Leaders – December 2009

As we offer up the last of our 2009 Wholesale Leaders report, it is perhaps fitting that in the year of “too big to fail” we ended with yet another counter-trend uptick in broker/wholesale volume. December saw broker/wholesale volume grow 10.9% from November, compared to a 3.1% growth for direct lender’s “retail” volume.

Despite continuing (and maybe […]

Retail Leaders – January 2010

The retail endorsement numbers for the January 2010 are now available. Endorsement volume came in at 7,629 units for the month, an 8% drop from December 09, and a decline of 22.6% from January of last year. We have to go all the way back to October 2006 to see a lower endorsement number.

Some highlights […]

Wholesale Leaders – November 2009

Below you’ll find the Wholesale Leaders report with data updated through November 2009.

Wholesale volume dropped almost 17% from October, to 3,901 endorsements. This brings the YTD wholesale volume to 54,609 units, a 6.4% decline from 2008 levels, but we’ll still end the year with the second highest wholesale volume on record. Unfortunately, if the current […]

November 2009 – Industry Trends

Our “Industry Trends” report is now available, with data updated through November ’09.

The stories haven’t changed much throughout the year – since the lending limits were raised to $625,500, the areas of strength have mostly been concentrated in high value neighborhoods such as Brooklyn, NY, San Francisco and San Jose and Orange County, CA. In […]

December 2009 – App Trends Update

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is either enjoying a relaxing holiday or at least enjoying the reduced distractions if you are sneaking in some work today!  We thought our readers might be interested in an update to our graph of application trends since the principal limit reductions.  Without further ado, here it is:

Retail Leaders – December 2009

The December 2009 endorsement data has been put out by HUD, bringing us to the conclusion of a tumultuous year in the reverse mortgage industry. Endorsement volume climbed 7% from November levels to 8,284 units. Volume for the year ended at 111,924 endorsements, a 2.8% decrease from 2008.

The fourth quarter was significantly weaker than the […]

Wholesale Leaders – October 2009

Wholesale volume dropped 15.7% from last month to 4,692 loans. This brings the YTD total to 50,709 units, a drop of just over 6% vs 2008. Metlife did the most units in October, in wholesale and overall, and is the first time we’ve seen anyone other than Wells, Freedom, or BofA hold the top overall […]