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Category Archives: Uncategorized

HECM Originators – April 2016

HECM endorsements dropped -6.3% in April overall, but Retail dropped significantly more at -7.6% compared to a Wholesale decline of -4.4%. As usual, several originators managed to buck the downtrend:

  • On the Retail side, RMF and Liberty each managed to increase 37% in April to lead the top 10 lenders
  • Over on the Broker/Wholesale side, Approval First Home Loans […]

HECM Lenders – May 2016

HECM endorsements dropped dramatically in May to 3,646 loans – a full -14.1% decline from April. That’s the lowest monthly total since August 2014 as the industry struggled with the implementation of initial utilization restrictions.

All 10 regions of the country were down in the month, but 4 of the top 10 lenders improved:

  • Finance of America Reverse […]

HECM Trends – March 2016

HECM endorsement volume in March almost exactly matched the prior two years’ totals, falling 108 short of March 2015 and just 88 loans short of March 2014.

  • Twelve months ago the industry was on an upswing before financial assessment
  • Two years ago endorsements were still a couple months away from the lowest monthly volume total in recent history […]

HECM Originators – March 2016

March endorsement volume was mostly flat, with Retail growing by 9/10 of a percent, and Wholesale/Broker volume down 3.88% over February.

Leading the way for the month were Live Well, up 87%, and Reverse Mortgage Funding, with growth of 28%. Of the top 10 lenders, AAG, Synergy One (RFS), and Home Point all grew in the […]

HECM Lenders – April 2016

HECM endorsements fell -6.4% to 4,243 loans in April, continuing the decline from a year ago which now totals -8.4% through the first four months. In spite of that dour news, some lenders have risen above:

  • Nationwide Equities is up 163% from last year, good enough for 10th place on our page 5 rankings YTD
  • High Tech […]

HECM Originators – February 2016

HECM endorsements growth in February was led by Retail/Direct lenders rising 20.3%, while Wholesale/Brokers put in a 14.3% increase that would be impressive in most any other month.

  • Liberty led the way with 67.9% increase from Jan, putting its highest monthly volume total since August
  • RMF jumped 22% on the month to 266 loans
  • One Reverse bounced back […]

HECM Lenders – March 2016

HECM endorsements dropped 1% in March to 4,535 loans. The fairly steady pace indicates that February’s big increase was more than a one month story of lenders “catching up” on endorsements from prior months.

There was significant divergence among regions, with only 4 of the 10 showing growth amid the small national drop.

  • Mid Atlantic led the […]

HECM Originators – January 2016

HECM endorsements took a disappointing dip in January to the lowest levels in over a year as the industry continued to absorb the impact of Financial Assessment changes last April. The surprise in our HECM Originators report is that almost all of this decline happened on the Retail side of the business, dropping -12.9% in […]