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Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Growth Year – Retail Leaders January 2011

January HECM endorsement numbers were underwhelming, but we’re not throwing in the towel on the year because we see positive developments just around the corner. We also have December application numbers to update a long-running chart series, so let’s dig in.

First, endorsement volumes for January came in at 6,464, down -1.4% from December and down […]

A Merry Year End For Lenders – Retail Leaders December 2010

Retail HECM endorsements for December were virtually flat with November, down just -0.1% to 6,554 loans. That story isn’t much to write home about, but fortunately there’s a much bigger story hiding just below the surface. First though, let’s settle final 2010 numbers for those keeping track:

  • 72,748 HECM Endorsements, down -35%
  • 2,222 active lenders, down -28.9%

We’ve […]