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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Punching Above Weight – Industry Trends March 2011

We’ve been asked many times where was the best place for a reverse mortgage company/consultant to spend precious marketing dollars. While we can’t claim to have solved that question (if we could answer that question we’d have retired already), we do see some things that work at the industry level that benefit our clients.

Whenever we […]

Booming TPOs – Wholesale Leaders March 2011

As regulation forces the reverse industry to evolve, there are many ways that we’ll eventually see the impacts. We’ve been tracking a declining number of originators for quite some time, which is the expected result of many changes pushing revenue down and costs up for the smallest reverse originators.

The potential offset to that trend is […]

Back and Forth – Retail Leaders April 2011

It sometimes seems that the one thing every business has in common is that progress is never a straight line. The reverse industry has certainly had its share of detours and bumps, so it might come as no surprise that April’s endorsements were down -16.2% from last month to 6,124 loans.

That volume […]

Up, Down, or Sideways – Industry Trends February 2011

Much like clouds, ink blots, and famous impressionist paintings, an observer can see pretty much any shape they want in the reverse industry these days. Saver is looking up, lender exits are looking down, and everything else seems in between.

A potential government shutdown has come and gone, and HUD still managed to post application volumes […]

Big Step Forward – Retail Leaders March 2011

March was more than just the end of the first quarter for the reverse mortgage industry, as it marked the first time since July 2009 that the industry grew from last year. March endorsements came in at 7,306, up 25.5% from last year and up 5.8% from last month.

It takes more than […]

Holding Patterns – Industry Trends January 2011

As the first quarter of 2011 is drawing to a close, we’ve seen a remarkable number of changes in a short period of time. With 2 top 10 lenders exiting and one more leaving the wholesale channel, we have to expect an impact on applications and endorsements in the remainder of the year.

While we don’t […]

Wholesale Leads the Way – Wholesale Leaders January 2011

The first month of 2011 brought us back to a familiar theme from last year as broker/wholesale endorsements outpaced retail in a down month for the industry overall. We saw this pattern several times last year, particularly as the industry volume growth tapered off in September and October.

  • Broker/Wholesale endorsements for January came in at 2,413 […]

Killer Apps – Retail Leaders February 2011

We normally think of a ‘killer app’ as a perfect use that grows a new technology from curiosity to must have item. Just as email and search engines helped us all figure out what the internet could mean to our lives, so much that now we can’t imagine our lives without them and internet is […]

Market Share Hockey Stick – Industry Trends December 2010

As our last report covering 2010, it makes sense that we put a bottom line on the biggest trend of the year. And while some would say that 2010 was all about volume declines (and volume did indeed decline -35% across the industry), we would offer consolidation as the less obvious but equally significant story. […]