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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Downshifting – HECM Lenders August 2011

Lender volume presented on this report includes third party originations (TPO) of any company not FHA approved under their approved sponsor lender. As of this month this report has been re-named from “Retail Leaders” to better identify it as the ranking of HECM Lenders closing loans under their own FHA approval (regardless of whether a […]

Finding Growth In A Downturn – Industry Trends June 2011

As we’ve previously noted, HECM endorsements year to date through June are running 5.5% above last year’s level, but we fully expect to see that reverse into a decline by year end. Despite that somewhat dreary prospect, it’s always worth trying to find the opportunities for volume and growth no matter what volume environment we’re […]

Smoother Sailing – Wholesale Leaders June 2011

This report will be known as “HECM Originators” starting next month to identify it as the best source of rankings of all companies originating HECM loans, regardless of FHA approval status.

While the rest of the world is deciding just how much the rating agencies matter 3 years after the 2008 debacle, volatility in the reverse […]

Second Half Swoon – Retail Leaders July 2011

Lender volume presented on this report includes third party originations (TPO) of any company not FHA approved under their approved sponsor lender. As of next month this report will be re-named “HECM Lenders” to better identify it as the ranking of HECM Lenders closing loans under their own FHA approval. If you are looking for […]

Industry Trends May 2011

Heading into the August vacation season, and our writing frenzy has apparently left early.  Rather than hold up the report while waiting for inspiration to strike, we’ve attached the report below.

See you next week with Retail Leaders and our first look at July endorsements!

Click on the image below to view the full Industry Trends report […]

BofA Reverse Post Mortem – Wholesale Leaders May 2011

We promised a closer look at the impact of BofA exiting the industry in our Retail Leaders report earlier this month, so let’s dive in. We’ve heard in many conversations with clients and contacts that the industry has fully absorbed BofA’s volume and didn’t see any decline from the company’s exit. We would love […]

Happy Landings – Retail Leaders June 2011

Another month is in the books, and while volumes continue to be less than stellar, we’re getting a better picture of what the major lender exits portend for our future volumes. We can officially mark June as the month that BofA left the building from an endorsement perspective, given the decline from 896 retail endorsements […]

Altered States – Industry Trends April 2011

Last month in the Industry Trends report we talked about which factors are most linked with higher reverse mortgage loan volumes. We’re not diving to the same depth this month, but we are struck by how different the industry looks from different perspectives in the year-to-date numbers.

We’ve already talked about competitive changes that have seen […]

Going TPO – Wholesale Leaders April 2011

TPO loan volume continued to grow in April, but wasn’t enough to keep wholesale endorsements from declining -13.3%. Retail fell further, down -18%, and the balance between the two channels will be an indication going forward to see if TPO volume is growing the business as non-FHA approved brokers jump in or just migrating FHA […]

Body Shots – Retail Leaders May 2011

We had such a favorable response to the boxing title last newsletter that we’re sticking with it today. And judging by May’s endorsement total, we may exhaust our limited stock of punchy phrases before we pick ourselves up off the mat.

May HECM endorsements came in at 5,188, down -15.3% from April but up 13.9% from […]