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Category Archives: Uncategorized

County Perspective – HECM Trends January 2012

Any time we get discouraged by low reverse mortgage volumes, we find it helpful to look below the national totals to find areas where the industry is on the upswing. This month case numbers issued (applications) were down to levels unseen in over 6 years, but there’s always a silver lining somewhere.

This month, we found […]

Look Out Below – HECM Lenders February 2012

Our first look at February HECM endorsements is here and it’s a positive story, although not one we expect to last too long. Endorsements were up 4.9% in February to 5,426 loans and the highest level of the past five months.

Six of the ten regions we track were up from January, with the biggest gainer […]

Breaking Down 2011 – HECM Trends December 2011

We’ve been fighting off a nasty series of bugs these past 2 weeks, so we’ll keep our intro short this week.

The final tally for the year comes in at 68,566 loans, down -5.7% from last year and capping off 3 consecutive years of industry volume declines. The best to be said for that trend is […]

Closing the Books – HECM Originators December 2011

December’s HECM Originators report brings us final 2011 rankings for both retail/broker/TPO originators and wholesalers, as well as the best view yet of how monthly rankings will fare in the brave new world post Wells and BofA (combined volume in single digits for December).

Overall endorsements were down -1.8% from November, with the entire decline coming […]

Higher Resolution – HECM Lenders January 2012

If your New Years resolution was to produce more loans in 2012, then you had lots of company along for the ride. January HECM endorsements totaled 5,175 loans, the highest level since September and up 11.6% from last month. On the pessimistic side, Oct-Dec are the only months lower than this total in the past […]

Trending Together – HECM Trends November 2011

We’re getting closer and closer to the final reports of 2011, so we’ll preface next month’s numbers by showing one of  the biggest trends of the past 3 years: Lender consolidation.

One of the questions we hear a lot is whether having more lenders is good or bad for the industry. Of course, most people dodge […]

Wholesale Bounces Back – HECM Originators November 2011

We’ve known for months that Wells Fargo’s exit would have a major impact on HECM endorsement totals, with the expectation that all else being equal Wells’ huge retail market share would impact that side of the industry more directly.

October gave us reason to doubt that expectation, with the first half of Wells volume decline coinciding […]

Muddling Into 2012 – HECM Lenders December 2011

Happy New Year!  2012 may yet become a fantastic year or a dismal one, but the best thing about this year is the vast potential presented by an entire year stretching out in front of us.

December finished on a modest down note, with HECM endorsements down -0.4% from November to 4,636. Active lenders increased 4.4%, […]

By (Saint) George! – HECM Trends October 2011

It’s been a while since we wrote about a hot HECM market bucking the national downtrend, but this month we have a very interesting one for you. As you might have guessed by the title of this report, we’re talking about Saint George, Utah. The city has more than doubled total Max Claim dollars year […]