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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pleasant Surprises – HECM Lenders June 2012

HECM endorsements rose 16.9% to 5,187 in June, partly on the back of increases from both Metlife and First National Bank of Layton, both of which have announced exits from the industry. We expect Metlife in particular to start showing significant volume declines in July and August, some of which won’t be replaced by increased […]

Go Local – HECM Trends April 2012

As the reverse mortgage industry fights through a wave of major lender exits, HECM Trends identifies bright(er) spots within the overall industry volume decline. In the theme of “location, location, location”, we’re focusing this month on zip codes with the most HECM volume year to date.

While Utah has the top zip code in the country averaging […]

Gaining Share – HECM Originators April 2012

HECM endorsements rose 5% in April, with the increase roughly similar across both retail/direct and TPO/wholesale channels. These aggregate numbers don’t show a significant spread between the channels, but as always there is a lot of movement among individual companies in the rankings.

On page 4 of the report below, we find 4 of the top […]

Happy Friday! – HECM Lenders May 2012

HECM endorsements were down -3.4% in May to 4,439 units, flirting with the multi-year lows we saw in March. As we’ve noted before, we do think it’s likely we’ll see lower volumes play out through the end of summer based on Metlife’s announced exit from the industry. May is an extension of weak application volumes […]

Making Adjustments – HECM Trends March 2012

Surviving and thriving in the reverse mortgage industry these past few years has required adaptation and flexibility:

  • Where ARMs once dominated the landscape (all at a single margin of 150 on the same CMT index no less!) fixed rate HECMs have been 2/3 or more of volume for over 2 years. That change happened in less […]

March Madness – HECM Originators March 2012

March was the lowest month in recent memory for HECM endorsements, down -19.3% to 4,374 loans. We have to go all the way back to September of 2005 to find a month with lower volume.

Broker/TPO channel business declined dramatically, dropping -26.6% compared to -12.8% for retail/direct. This relative performance gap has swung both ways in […]

S.S.D.D. – HECM Lenders April 2012

The past few days have been dominated by Metlife’s exit announcement, but regardless of how you feel about that news the impact on industry numbers simply hasn’t been felt yet. We mean that in the best possible way, as April endorsements rose 4.9% to 4,595 loans after the horrible, no good, very bad month in […]

TPO Surging – HECM Originators

February HECM endorsements grew 5% while case numbers issued shrank, but what we discover in this month’s HECM Originators report is that third party originators (TPOs) brokering to wholesale lenders were responsible for all the growth (+15.1%) while direct lenders with retail operations shrank in the month (-2.7%).

This is the second month in a row […]