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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Second Shoe – HECM Lenders September 2012

HECM endorsements for September totaled 3,706 loans, down 10.1% from August. The drop was felt across the nation, with 9 of 10 regions tracked seeing declines.

From a lender perspective, the entire decline can be summed within the top 10 lenders ranked on page 2:

  • Genworth was the only active lender to grow volume from August, up […]

Comeback Cities – HECM Trends July 2012

The single most notable fact about July’s HECM endorsement figures is the volume decline. That stands out in stark relief on page 1 of HECM Trends, with the purple line tracking 2012 volume dipping dramatically to the lowest level seen in years and deviating significantly from the prior year comparison lines.

We’ve already written about the […]

Changing Channels – HECM Originators July 2012

In our HECM Lenders report about July’s volumes, we noted that Metlife’s exit seemed to work through the endorsement numbers faster than Wells and BofA last year. The new information to report here is that both Wholesale/brokered and Retail/direct endorsements were down strongly(-27.8% and -24%, respectively), […]

Holding Steady – HECM Lenders August 2012

HECM endorsements were up 6.6% in August to 4,122 loans, bouncing back from a level not seen in many years but still the second lowest reading in the past 12 months.

Volume was up in every region except Rocky Mountain, which dropped 1.1%. Leading the way was Southeast/Caribbean up 10.5% from July.

Among lenders, we saw Metlife […]

City View – HECM Trends June 2012

We’ve written before about the pockets of reverse mortgage growth in what continues to be a down market for the industry overall and this month’s HECM Trends provides another series of examples.

While California, Texas, and New York continue to outpace all states for volume,  we’re starting to see unexpected places like Kansas City and Nashville […]

HECM Originators – May 2012

We’ll keep it short and sweet today with just a few highlights from the May HECM Originators report:

  • Overall endorsements were down 3.6% vs April
  • Retail volume dropped 1% while Wholesale volume fell 7%

    Be sure to check out the rankings to see where your company (or your closest competitor) finished for the past 12 months […]