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Category Archives: ReverseIQ

NCSECU Product, Revisited

We’ve had a lot of new people sign up for ReverseIQ since our first post last October, so thanks to everyone for your interest and support.  We also noticed a recent press release from NCSECU regarding their non-HECM reverse mortgage volume and think it makes sense to re-post an analysis from our […]

Volume vs. Values In New Loan Limit Era

If you’re wondering exactly how the recently enacted legislation has affected the reverse industry, you’re not alone. More specifically, we’ve gotten a couple questions about how loan limits have affected average loan sizes and volumes in different markets around the country.

Last month, we talked a lot about loan unit volume and the […]

Welcome to the New ReverseIQ

In the months since we launched ReverseIQ as a way to communicate some of our ongoing research and analysis to our clients and others in the reverse mortgage industry, we’ve noticed a few things:

  • Length: Our newsletters tended to be long and rather involved. While that’s okay when you’re expecting to read a full analysis of […]

Riding A HECM Refinance Wave

We’ve now seen three months of reverse mortgage statistics since the HECM loan limits were raised (and perhaps ready for another increase soon?), so it seems like a good time to look at the early impact. January saw the industry experience its largest ever volume of refinance transactions (HECM to HECM), topping a thousand for […]

Active Lender Growth

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our

Reverse Mortgage Growth Trend

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our

Reverse Mortgage Loan Limits and New MIC Reports

Wow, its taken a lot longer than we planned to get our November newsletter out, so we’ve decided that in the spirit of the holidays, we’d give ourselves a gift and combine it with December. And since we know that all of you have been waiting breathlessly for this, we are sending this out during […]

Reverse Mortgage Sales Performance

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our