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Category Archives: ReverseIQ

Industry Application Trends Update

If there’s one thing we were hoping to see these last few months, it’s an increase in application volumes back to something approaching ‘normal’.  While the absolute level in February is nothing to cheer, the uptick from January’s depressed levels made quite a few of us happier than should be allowed for such a low […]

December 2009 – App Trends Update

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is either enjoying a relaxing holiday or at least enjoying the reduced distractions if you are sneaking in some work today!  We thought our readers might be interested in an update to our graph of application trends since the principal limit reductions.  Without further ado, here it is:

A Taste of Forecasting

In hindsight, the easiest piece of forecasting all year might have been to predict that we wouldn’t get a chance to publish our follow up piece on forecasting until December given the recent NRMLA conference at the end of November.  Better late than never as the saying goes, and it couldn’t be more true.

A New […]

Retail Leaders – August 2009

Our Retail Leaders report for August, 2009 is now available. Overall industry volume fell 9% from July, coming in at 8,933 units for the month, and bringing the YTD volume to 77,657.

The devil is in the details, however. If you look at the charts on Page 2, you’ll see what we mean: the number of […]

UPDATE – $798 Million Subsidy Request

After a great deal of interest around the industry from our recent post on HUD’s FY2010 subsidy request for the HECM program, some friends in the industry have been kind enough to help clarify some questions we raised in the original post.

In the original piece we offered several possible perspectives for understanding […]

Trend Watching – Fixed Rate HECMs

We periodically receive questions about various HECM rate types and how prevalent they are in the marketplace.  One of the specific questions we’ve seen resurrected lately has to do with fixed rate HECMs and just how much market share they have in the reverse mortgage industry.

The short answer is that it’s a surprisingly small amount […]

Trend Watching – HECM Apps

It struck me the other day that we don’t talk nearly enough about applications here, especially since most of the endorsement information we do talk about is generally 1-3 months delayed from funding.  We’ll certainly correct that and look for ways to put more application information in our reports, but the truth is that there […]