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Category Archives: ReverseIQ

Making Adjustments – HECM Trends March 2012

Surviving and thriving in the reverse mortgage industry these past few years has required adaptation and flexibility:

  • Where ARMs once dominated the landscape (all at a single margin of 150 on the same CMT index no less!) fixed rate HECMs have been 2/3 or more of volume for over 2 years. That change happened in less […]

S.S.D.D. – HECM Lenders April 2012

The past few days have been dominated by Metlife’s exit announcement, but regardless of how you feel about that news the impact on industry numbers simply hasn’t been felt yet. We mean that in the best possible way, as April endorsements rose 4.9% to 4,595 loans after the horrible, no good, very bad month in […]

Punching Above Weight – Industry Trends March 2011

We’ve been asked many times where was the best place for a reverse mortgage company/consultant to spend precious marketing dollars. While we can’t claim to have solved that question (if we could answer that question we’d have retired already), we do see some things that work at the industry level that benefit our clients.

Whenever we […]

Reverse Mortgage Retail Leaders – September 2010

September ended with a bit of a whimper, just 5,966 HECM endorsements, down -10.2% from August. For the government fiscal year, we ended at 79,096 units, down -31.1% from FY2009.

Given the changes rolling out today with the new fiscal year for HUD/HECM, we thought we’d share our volume forecast for the next 12 months (fiscal […]

Reverse Mortgage Borrower Analysis, Part 2

In last week’s report, we talked about how younger borrowers (read: Baby Boomers) are changing the face of the reverse mortgage industry by selecting reverse mortgages in greater numbers than their elders. Today, let’s dive a little deeper into reverse mortgage borrower dynamics.

One of the first questions that arises when looking at the age […]

Reverse Mortgage Application Trends – May 2010

May’s application numbers have good news and bad news for the reverse mortgage industry.

The good news: apps grew for the fourth straight month since reaching a low of 5,805 in January, now up 37% since then to 8,363 in May.

The bad news: lower upfront costs are likely fully baked in to these numbers by now, […]

Reverse Mortgage Application Trends – April 2010

One of the most interesting conversations going on today in the reverse mortgage arena is how much the recent product changes (reducing upfront cost to borrowers through origination fee, MIP, servicing fees, etc.) will change the size of the HECM borrower market. The easy answer is that these changes give borrowers what they’ve been requesting […]

UPDATE: HECM Application Trends – March 2010

We started getting word in mid February that application activity was picking up a bit after what we knew were several very depressed months following the October 1st principal limit reductions. February’s numbers did indeed show a slight bump in app volumes on the heels of a new low in January, and March has continued […]