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Category Archives: ReverseIQ

HECM Lenders – October 2016

HECM endorsements rose 4.8% in October, continuing the up and down gyrations as we head into year end. Active lenders grew 6.6% in the month, with a net increase of 12 companies endorsing at least one loan in the month.

As might be expected with such a minor volume increase, the story was mixed when you dive […]

HECM Trends – August 2016

HECM endorsements were up by a surprising amount in August as we pointed out in our HECM Lenders report last month, but pessimists and cynics alike can take comfort that year to date industry volume remains down at -16.8% as of August.

That being said, those looking for bright spots can continue to find hope in […]

HECM Originators – August 2016

HECM endorsements rose 24% in August, and now we know that jump was powered by a jump in both Retail and Wholesale channels.

  • Wholesale volume jumped 29.5% to 1,938 loans, the highest total since Sep 2015
  • Retail volume increased 20% to 2,440 loans, but we only have to go back to April to find a higher total for […]

HECM Lenders – September 2016

HECM endorsements declined -14.7% in September, making the August jump look more like an outlier for now than a new growth trend.

  • All 10 geographic regions declined, with Southeast/Caribbean dropping just -0.7% while Rocky Mountain dropped a whopping -42.4%

Lenders showed a more varied picture, with 4 of the top 10 managing growth:

  • Nationwide Equities jumped 46.5% to […]

HECM Trends – July 2016

HECM endorsements are down -15.6% through July this year, but there are always some areas of the country doing well. We’ve picked out a few below but check the full report to find your closest growth area!

  • Colorado is a swing state in the election this year and is showing strength in other ways too, bucking […]

HECM Originators – July 2016

HECM endorsements dropped -6.2% in July, with Retail giving back all of the gains in June on a -7.2% decline while Wholesale posted a fifth straight month of declines, down -4.8%. Even so, several companies showed impressive growth on the month in our page 4 rankings:

  • grew 26.9% from June and continues an impressive first […]

HECM Lenders – August 2016

HECM endorsements rose 24.1% in August to 4,387 loans in a welcome reprieve from the prior three months below the 4,000 loans/month level.

Volume was up across the board in all 10 regions, with the biggest jump in Rocky Mountain at 54.8% to 356 loans and that region’s highest monthly total in over 12 months.

Our top […]

HECM Trends – June 2016

HECM endorsement volumes for the year through June are down -13.1% from a year earlier, a figure that got significantly worse in just one month due to the big jump in June 2015 endorsements volumes. Check out the chart at the top of page 1 and you can see that the next few months won’t get any […]

One Up Year – HECM Lenders November 2013

HECM endorsements for November rose 12% to 4,690 loans, marking the impact of standard ARM applications taken before the Sep 30th program changes. We expect to see endorsements continue to be relatively strong for the next few months, but turn significantly lower toward the end of Q1 next year. New applications are falling well short […]

HECM Lenders October 2013

NRMLA’s annual convention is just around the corner. Since we want everyone feeling good and happy next week at the conference, lets look at the numbers on an annual basis, and see what kind of positive things we can find.

  • Despite all of the pessimism and uncertainty and changes and all of the other headwinds the […]