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Category Archives: ReverseIQ

HECM Originators – December 2016

HECM endorsements ended on a high note to close out 2016, up 19.9% to the highest level all year. That growth might have been fueled by some year end clean up, but growth is welcome from just about anywhere these days.

  • RMF more than doubled, up 142.1% to 748 loans to close out the year with 9.9% […]

HECM Lenders – January 2017

HECM endorsements dropped -1.7% in January, backing down slightly from the jump in December.

  • 6 of the 10 regions actually rose, but with the top two regions dropping considerably it was always going to be hard to show growth nationally
  • The top growth region was also the smallest, with Great Plains posting a 12.5% rise to end […]

HECM Trends – November 2016

HECM endorsements fell very slightly in November, but still managed to get closest to the total from a year earlier that volume has been since March.

With a more favorable comparison than we’ve had for several months, some areas had an easier time showing growth and made further gains against their year ago levels:

  • Washington state grew 4.5% […]

HECM Originators – November 2016

HECM endorsements dropped slightly in November to 3,884 loans, as we learned last month. We now know that Retail/direct lenders dropped a more substantial -4.3% while Wholesale/broker volume actually rose 3.7%.

A few companies underlined this point with rising retail volume on our page 4 rankings:

  • All Reverse Mortgage (formerly United Southwest) jumped 358% to 55 loans
  • M&T […]

HECM Lenders – December 2016

Happy New Year! Hope everybody had an opportunity to spend some time family and friends over the holidays.

The industry ended the year with a little bang on the endorsement front. Volume was up almost 20% from the prior month at 4,658 loans, the highest level for the year, bringing the 2016 total to 48,794. Unfortunately […]

HECM Trends – October 2016

HECM endorsements increased 4.8% in October to moderate year to date change to a -16.5% drop. We’re also seeing some growing zip codes join the top 10 list at bottom right of page 1:

  • 78633 is outside of Austin, TX and registered 44 loans through the first 10 months of the year, up 12.8% from last year
  • 08757 is […]

HECM Originators – October 2016

We already knew HECM endorsements rose slightly in October, but now we know that growth came entirely from brokers on the wholesale side.

  • Wholesale volume rose 15.4%, while Retail/direct volume dropped -2.7%
  • Retail continues to be larger than Wholesale, at 55% of all volume in October

This month we’re focusing on the page 4 originator rankings, with several […]

HECM Lenders – November 2016

HECM endorsements declined -0.7% in November, continuing to bump along below 4,000 loans per month as has been the case for much of the year.

  • 5 of the 10 regions grew, with the biggest gain in New York/New Jersey, up 26.9% to 307 loans
  • Rocky Mountain extended its roller coaster ride to 4 months, dropping -24.4% after the […]

HECM Trends – September 2016

HECM endorsements dropped -14.6% from August to September and now show a -17.1% drop year to date. As always, some areas around the country did much better than that, even breaking into growth territory.

Find out where HECMs are still in growth mode in our full report by clicking the image below.

HECM Originators – September 2016

HECM endorsements reversed course in September, dropping 14.6% from August levels.

  • Wholesale volume declined 21.6% to 1,519 loans, coming back down to levels seen in May – July.
  • Retail volume dropped at a slower pace, falling 9.1% month over month to 2,219 loans.

All of the lenders highlighted last month had volume declines in the double digit percentages, suggesting most of the […]