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Category Archives: HECM Originators

HECM Originators – July 2021

HECM endorsements rose 2.8% in July to 4,276 loans. Wholesale declined for a fourth straight month, dropping -1.7% while Retail bounced back 5.9% from a poor June showing.

Lenders fared better in the rising tide, with 6 of the top 10 lenders increasing volume.

  • RMF jumped 55.8% to 642 loans, good for second highest for the month
  • South […]

HECM Originators – June 2021

HECM endorsements dropped -4.2% in June to 4,158 loans. Wholesale declined -2.1% to outperform Retail (-5.6%) for the first time in 5 months.

That subtle shift in channels showed up powerfully in lender performance, although once again just 3 of the top 10 lenders gained on the month.

  • Mutual of Omaha surged 43.5% to 333 loans – […]

HECM Originators – May 2021

HECM endorsements rose 3.8% in May, with Retail (+10.7%) outperforming Wholesale (-5%) for the 4th consecutive month.

Only 3 of the top 10 lenders increased volume in May, but putting that together with Retail dominance should make the top performing lender no surprise:

  • AAG lapped the field, jumping 32% to put 1,000+ loans between them and second […]

HECM Originators – April 2021

HECM endorsements dropped -0.8% in April as Retail outpaced Wholesale yet again. Retail grew 2.5% to 2,357 loans while Wholesale declined -4.7% to 1,825 loans.

Half of the top ten lenders increased volume on the month:

  • South River showed the continuing strength of refinance volume, rising 24.4% to 148 loans
  • Open Mortgage gained 20.4% to 242 loans
  • Longbridge rose […]

HECM Originators – March 2021

HECM endorsements rose 3.7% in March as Retail outpaced Wholesale, 4.1% to 3.3%.

Several top 10 lenders recovered well from a poor February:

  • HighTech continued its every other month cycle with 98 loans, a 133.3% jump from Feb and just above its January total of 94 loans
  • RMF gained 26.7% to 564 loans to balance out the Feb […]

HECM Originators – Feb 2021

HECM endorsements dropped -10.3% in February, as Wholesale/broker volume fell -12.8% and Retail/direct was slightly better at -8.1%. Each channel and the industry overall are almost identical to their December totals.

Several lenders managed to buck the downturn though:

  • Open Mortgage rose 10.6% to 219 loans
  • #1 lender AAG gained 6.9% to 1,437 loans
  • South River Mortgage jumped into […]

HECM Originators – January 2021

HECM endorsements rose 10.7% in January, with Wholesale/brokers pacing 14.1% growth while Retail/direct managed 7.8%.

Several lenders in the top ten marked impressive gains on the month as well:

  • Hightech jumped 67.9% to 94 loans, bouncing back from a disappointing December
  • Longbridge rose 59.8% to finish with 513 loans, a new high for the company on this report
  • Ennkar […]

Year End, Redux – HECM Originators Dec 2020

HECM endorsements ended the year with a bang, but now we know that Wholesale/brokers led the way by rising 28% to Retail/direct channel’s 15.2% growth on the month.

To put the channels into context, Retail is actually 12.2% above its average from Jan-Nov whereas even […]

HECM Originators – November 2020

HECM endorsements dropped -9.4% in November, with both Retail/direct and Wholesale/brokers declining more than -9%.

In spite of the balance between business channels, 4 of the top 10 lenders actually grew in the month:

  • HighTech bounced 71.4% to 96 loans
  • Mutual of Omaha Mortgage continued an impressive run, rising 10.5% to 263 loans
  • AAG increased 3.1% to 1,295 loans
  • Liberty […]

HECM Originators – October 2020

HECM endorsements dropped -4.6% in October, but in a reversal from September the Wholesale/broker channel declined much more than Retail/direct, dropping -9.1% compared to just -1% for the latter.

Just two of the top ten lenders gained on the month:

  • Mutual of Omaha Mortgage gained 7.2%, endorsing 238 loans
  • RMF inched up 2.9% to 389 loans

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