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Category Archives: HECM Originators

Wholesale Leaders – June 2009

Wholesale has had a tough couple of months, but looks like June was a little happier in the broker/wholesaler world.  After last month’s 20% drop, wholesale volume picked up a bit in June, growing just north of 8% to 4,623 units, with trailing 12 month volume coming in at 60,448.

There is a new #1 in […]

Wholesale Leaders – May 2009

After a lengthy delay, we finally have the Wholesale Leaders Report for May available, and the results certainly reflect the trends seen in the HECM Endorsement reports.

Overall Wholesale volume for the month of May was down 20% from the prior month, to 4,275 units. This compares to a 35.5% drop in direct endorsed loans, […]

Wholesale Leaders – April 2009

Our Wholesale Leader’s Report is now up for April.  Recent trends are continuing, as  retail endorsement growth once again came in stronger than the wholesale channel (+9.9% for Retail, -3.1% for Wholesale).

April’s wholesale numbers showed the impact of the JB Nutter warehouse line issues, and it hit their business hard as wholesale endorsement volume fell […]

February Wholesale Leaders

There has been very little wholesale reporting in the reverse mortgage industry to date, but we’re doing our part to correct that situation with our new Wholesale Leaders report. If you’d like to see a monthly report that shows who the largest lenders really are when you add both Retail and Wholesale together, here’s […]