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Category Archives: HECM Originators

HECM Originators May 2014

HECM endorsements rose 7.8% in May, but the big winners were retail lenders with volume up 12.2% compared to just a 2% rise for broker/wholesale volume. Retail is at 59% of industry volume, just short of the 61% reached in September and December last year.

  • American Advisors Group continues to impress with a new high of […]

Down or Flat? – HECM Originators April 2014

HECM endorsements declined -9.7% in April, but it was a tale of two business channels as retail/direct volume was flat but wholesale/broker volume declined -19.9%. We’ve seen this pattern of greater volatility on the broker side of the business over the years, but even so it’s rare to have the gap this wide.

  • American Advisors Group […]

Volatile Rankings – HECM Originators March 2014

Month to month HECM endorsement volume is always volatile, but the past few months have seen more than the usual jumps in lender rankings and performance. Blame the overall industry swings in the adjustment to FHA policy changes last year, which is also why overall volume was down -10.6% in March from February.

  • Liberty Home Equity […]

Final Rankings – HECM Originators December 2013

Final lender rankings for 2013 are here! Find your company in the consolidated list of lenders on page 3, or single month rankings of all originators including brokers on page 4.

Lender rankings shifted significantly over the course of 2013, especially as the response to 9/30 product changes started to settle in. Four different lenders achieved […]

Hello Brokers – HECM Originators July 2013

Updates from a broker and wholesale perspective have been hard to come by this year, but publishing this July edition of HECM Originators should give a better sense of total industry rankings including the effects of broker volumes.

We already know that HECM endorsement volume was up in July, but it had been harder to track […]

We’re Back! – HECM Originators April 2013

After a long hiatus, HECM Originators is back with the most accurate lender rankings (including both retail and TPO/broker volume) and originator rankings (including TPOs and brokers alongside FHA approved lenders) in the industry.

Last time we published this report, Metlife Bank was still the top lender on a trailing twelve month basis. This month we […]