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Category Archives: HECM Originators

HECM Originators – February 2016

HECM endorsements growth in February was led by Retail/Direct lenders rising 20.3%, while Wholesale/Brokers put in a 14.3% increase that would be impressive in most any other month.

  • Liberty led the way with 67.9% increase from Jan, putting its highest monthly volume total since August
  • RMF jumped 22% on the month to 266 loans
  • One Reverse bounced back […]

HECM Originators – January 2016

HECM endorsements took a disappointing dip in January to the lowest levels in over a year as the industry continued to absorb the impact of Financial Assessment changes last April. The surprise in our HECM Originators report is that almost all of this decline happened on the Retail side of the business, dropping -12.9% in […]

HECM Originators – November 2015

HECM endorsements fell -7.1% in November and the wholesale/retail split diverged substantially

  • Wholesale dropped -18.3%, marking the third month in a row of faster declines than Retail as the industry dropped in the wake of Financial Assessment implementation
  • Retail posted 1.6% growth to bounce off the low levels from October

The disparity is even greater when comparing the […]

HECM Originators September 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in every corner of the reverse mortgage industry! Hope everyone has fantastic feasts with family and friends.

September HECM endorsements dropped -18.8%, but as we typically see in volatile months for volume wholesale moved quite a bit more, dropping -26.2% compared to retail’s -11.6%. As usual though some companies bucked the trend.

  • AAG crept […]

HECM Originators August 2015

We’ve been talking for months now about the impending drop in HECM endorsement volumes resulting from FA, but now we know that September was the first month of that new era from the endorsements volume perspective. That makes this report our last (and highest) reading of volume pre-FA for HECM Originators.

As per usual (but […]

HECM Originators July 2015

HECM endorsements fell -5.1% in July, but the channel split was more interesting than usual. Wholesale/brokered volume grew marginally while Retail/direct dropped -9.3%. That’s out of character for the typical pattern in which we see wholesale as more volatile than retail, but the real test comes when endorsement volumes are likely to fall (perhaps as […]

HECM Originators June 2015

HECM endorsements jumped 24% in June as borrowers rushed in before Financial Assessment rules would apply to their loans (all case numbers issued after April 4). This growth fueled solid gains for several top ten lenders:

  • A full 8 of the top 10 lenders (page 2) grew by at least 10% in June, but #10 […]

HECM Originators May 2015

HECM endorsements dropped -4.9% in May, with wholesale/brokers bearing a slightly larger share of the decline at -5.4% compared to retail/direct at -4.6%. There were some large declines for some top ten lenders, but as always there were winners too:

  • Live Well grew volume 30% to 299 loans and their highest monthly total in over a […]