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Category Archives: HECM Originators

HECM Originators – April 2024

HECM endorsements continued their upward trend in April with 2,103 loans for a modest increase of 2.2% from March. Retail/direct continued their dominance in April with 7.5% endorsement growth while Wholesale/broker continued their decline dropping -5.7% from March.

When we look at the month over month endorsement on page 4 of our report, we had 6 of […]

HECM Originators – Mar 2024

HECM endorsements dropped -4.2% in March, with the channel performance completely flipping from last month. Retail/direct bounced back 9% while Wholesale/broker dropped -2.3%.

The largest originators again outpaced the industry overall, as our page 4 ranking report shows 11 of the top 15 retail originators for the month growing >9%.

On a combined basis for lenders including […]

HECM Originators – Feb 2024

HECM endorsements dropped -8.3% in February, but that masked a slight improvement in Wholesale/broker volumes (+3.9%) as Retail/direct sank -15.7%.

While the shortest month of the year rarely provides great insight for the rest of the year to come, our page 4 ranking report offers some clues as to how the downturn has affected different companies […]

HECM Originators – January 2024

HECM endorsements started the year slowly, but Retail/direct volume suffered disproportionately (dropping -3.7%) while Wholesale/brokers actually gained ground, rising 2% in the month. That’s mildly interesting given the lag time for endorsements, but case numbers issued in January rose to their highest level since October in a much more important signal that reverse is looking […]

HECM Originators – Dec 2023

Our last report for 2023 is here! We already knew 2023 endorsements dropped -48.1% from 2022 as higher interest rates drove refinances to near zero and reduced the appeal of even non-refinances to new customers.

The additional context we’re adding today is that Retail/direct held up better at -43.4% for the year while Wholesale/broker dropped a […]

HECM Originators – October 2023

After a 3 month hiatus with data delays and a truncated report, HECM Originators is back just in time for the holiday season! Of course, the numbers on the report are something less than cheery, but that’s the kind of year it’s been in the world of reverse mortgage originations.

As previously reported, overall volume grew […]

HECM Originators – June 2023

June HECM endorsements bounced back from May’s rainy day, but just half of the top 8 lenders grew their own volume on the month.

  • FAR led the way, rising 280.6% to 822 loans (note that we are consolidating all endorsements by AAG after their 3/31 acquisition by FAR)
  • Cherry Creek set a new company record at 127 […]

HECM Originators – May 2023

May saw the industry creep up a touch, while just 2 of the top 8 lenders dropped volume.

  • Goodlife jumped 54.3% to 54 loans
  • Mutual of Omaha rose 18.3% to 589 loans and the top spot for the month
  • Liberty gained 13.1% to 181 loans

May also brought encouraging signs on the case numbers issued front, with total volume […]

HECM Originators – Apr 2023

The industry overall gave back its AAG exit gains and then some. But just 2 of the other top 8 lenders (excluding RMF) posted declines – quite a divergence!

  • Fairway jumped 70.5% to 133 loans
  • FAR gained 29.2% to 274 loans
  • Open Mortgage rose 24.2% to 113 loans, their highest since September

Bank turbulence and the resulting impact on […]

HECM Originators – March 2023

HECM endorsements were up a whopping 73.3% in March, as AAG pushed through a bunch of endorsements ahead of being acquired by FAR.

Beyond AAG, 5 other top 10 lenders were up on the month:

  • South River jumped 141.5% to 128 loans, their highest since August
  • Open Mortgage grew 51.7% to 91 loans
  • Mutual of Omaha rose 14.3% to […]