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Category Archives: HECM Lenders

HECM Lenders – July 2017

HECM endorsements declined -12.1% to 4,254 loans. That drop completed the round trip back to February volume levels after a large increase in March, although staying slightly above the monthly average from last year.

  • 9 of the 10 regions around the country declined, with the exception being the smallest region (Great Plains)
  • Each of the top 10 […]

HECM Lenders – June 2017

HECM endorsements dropped -0.4% to 4,837 loans. That’s neutral at best on the face of it, but it’s surprising that just 1 of the 9 regions grew in June:

  • Pacific/Hawaii gained 8% to 1,521 loans
  • All other regions dropped, with Great Plains dropping the most at -18.9% to 77 loans

Among lenders, the top 10 collectively gained 1.5% […]

HECM Lenders – May 2017

HECM endorsements dropped again in May, down -3.6% to 4,854 loans. This was a smaller drop than April and paints a picture of gradual decline from the March high.

For context, it’s also above any other month from September 2015 through February 2017 so still a step above where the industry has been since financial assessment was implemented.

On that […]

HECM Lenders – April 2017

HECM endorsements dropped -6.1% to 5,036 loans in April. Any drop is negative, but in this case the decline still puts the industry at the second highest level in the past 12 months – with only March having a higher showing.

It also adds a little credibility to March’s volume level, since any single month can be […]

HECM Lenders – March 2017

HECM endorsements gained 21% to 5,364 loans in March, marking the second highest total seen in the last 3+ years. We’d guess that the majority of gains are from endorsement timing issues since the FHA application volume hasn’t seen these kinds of gains in recent months. That said, there are still some interesting nuggets to be found […]

HECM Lenders – February 2017

HECM endorsements dropped -3.3% in February, continuing a slow decline from the recent high reached in December.

  • Just 4 of the 10 regions grew in the month, but both of the top two regions were among them albeit by only 2 loans for Southeast/Caribbean
  • And just 3 of the top 10 lenders increased volume, with HighTech Lending […]

HECM Lenders – January 2017

HECM endorsements dropped -1.7% in January, backing down slightly from the jump in December.

  • 6 of the 10 regions actually rose, but with the top two regions dropping considerably it was always going to be hard to show growth nationally
  • The top growth region was also the smallest, with Great Plains posting a 12.5% rise to end […]

HECM Lenders – December 2016

Happy New Year! Hope everybody had an opportunity to spend some time family and friends over the holidays.

The industry ended the year with a little bang on the endorsement front. Volume was up almost 20% from the prior month at 4,658 loans, the highest level for the year, bringing the 2016 total to 48,794. Unfortunately […]

HECM Lenders – November 2016

HECM endorsements declined -0.7% in November, continuing to bump along below 4,000 loans per month as has been the case for much of the year.

  • 5 of the 10 regions grew, with the biggest gain in New York/New Jersey, up 26.9% to 307 loans
  • Rocky Mountain extended its roller coaster ride to 4 months, dropping -24.4% after the […]

HECM Lenders – October 2016

HECM endorsements rose 4.8% in October, continuing the up and down gyrations as we head into year end. Active lenders grew 6.6% in the month, with a net increase of 12 companies endorsing at least one loan in the month.

As might be expected with such a minor volume increase, the story was mixed when you dive […]