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Category Archives: HECM Lenders

HECM Lenders – September 2016

HECM endorsements declined -14.7% in September, making the August jump look more like an outlier for now than a new growth trend.

  • All 10 geographic regions declined, with Southeast/Caribbean dropping just -0.7% while Rocky Mountain dropped a whopping -42.4%

Lenders showed a more varied picture, with 4 of the top 10 managing growth:

  • Nationwide Equities jumped 46.5% to […]

HECM Lenders – August 2016

HECM endorsements rose 24.1% in August to 4,387 loans in a welcome reprieve from the prior three months below the 4,000 loans/month level.

Volume was up across the board in all 10 regions, with the biggest jump in Rocky Mountain at 54.8% to 356 loans and that region’s highest monthly total in over 12 months.

Our top […]

HECM Lenders – July 2016

HECM endorsements dropped -6.3% in July, totaling just 3,534 and marking a new low for the year in two of the past three months.

Four of the ten regions were up on for the month, but none of those were among the top four by volume:

  • New England was a bright spot, up 28%, but that was still the […]

HECM Lenders – June 2016

HECM endorsements rose 3.4% in June to 3,771 loans, recovering a piece of the big drop in May. Although it was small, the increase was spread widely across the country with 8 of the 10 regions reporting growth:

  • Southwest reported the biggest rise, up 14.2% from last month and more than halfway back from the region’s […]

HECM Lenders – May 2016

HECM endorsements dropped dramatically in May to 3,646 loans – a full -14.1% decline from April. That’s the lowest monthly total since August 2014 as the industry struggled with the implementation of initial utilization restrictions.

All 10 regions of the country were down in the month, but 4 of the top 10 lenders improved:

  • Finance of America Reverse […]

HECM Lenders – April 2016

HECM endorsements fell -6.4% to 4,243 loans in April, continuing the decline from a year ago which now totals -8.4% through the first four months. In spite of that dour news, some lenders have risen above:

  • Nationwide Equities is up 163% from last year, good enough for 10th place on our page 5 rankings YTD
  • High Tech […]

HECM Lenders – March 2016

HECM endorsements dropped 1% in March to 4,535 loans. The fairly steady pace indicates that February’s big increase was more than a one month story of lenders “catching up” on endorsements from prior months.

There was significant divergence among regions, with only 4 of the 10 showing growth amid the small national drop.

  • Mid Atlantic led the […]

HECM Lenders – February 2016

HECM endorsements rose 17.7% in February to 4,579 loans, putting a disappointing January result in the rear view mirror. Concerns about post-FA volume levels look a little less scary coming off the highest volume since September.

The volume growth was strong in 9 of the 10 regions we track across the nation and several lenders did […]

HECM Lenders – January 2016

Looks like the coast might not be clear quite yet in the wake of Financial Assessment. HECM endorsements fell -8.1% to 3,890 loans in January after a small December increase. That puts FA impact at -32.3% decline from the (admittedly somewhat artificially inflated) August high volume level.

Of course, that didn’t stop some regions and lenders from […]

HECM Lenders – December 2015

HECM endorsements rose 5.2% in December to 4,233 loans after three consecutive months of decline. That’s encouraging although based on the data we’re seeing from lenders participating in the industry data repository, fundings have been mostly flat for the past three months so it’s hard to imagine any significant endorsement uptrend in the immediate future.

That […]