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Active Lender Growth

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our newsletter archive for past issues, or if you were forwarded this newsletter by a friend you can ensure you receive future newsletters by signing up for free at our website.

Top 10 Lenders

We’ve seen many news items lately touting various lenders as largest, top 10, etc. and rather than continue to watch various definitions circulate, we’ll attempt to clear the air using our industry leading dataset to produce the first comprehensive ranking of top HECM lenders in the nation.

Reverse Mortgage Data
Endorsement Growth Trend
Reverse Mortgage Endorsement Trend


SALES TOOLS: Reverse Mortgage Sales, Reverse Mortgage Consulting

Data provided by Reverse Market Insight

Thanks to everyone for the great response to our first newsletter last month. We hope to continue bringing new insights and perspective to the industry through this new medium, consistently raising the bar in our mission to highlight insights mined from our industry’s data.

If this is your first month receiving ReverseIQ please visit our newsletter archive for past issues, or if you were forwarded this newsletter by a friend you can ensure you receive future newsletters by signing up for free at our website.

Top 10 Lenders

We’ve seen many news items lately touting various lenders as largest, top 10, etc. and rather than continue to watch various definitions circulate, we’ll attempt to clear the air using our industry leading dataset to produce the first comprehensive ranking of top HECM lenders in the nation.