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HECM Originators – October 2016

We already knew HECM endorsements rose slightly in October, but now we know that growth came entirely from brokers on the wholesale side.

  • Wholesale volume rose 15.4%, while Retail/direct volume dropped -2.7%
  • Retail continues to be larger than Wholesale, at 55% of all volume in October

This month we’re focusing on the page 4 originator rankings, with several interesting points to consider:

  • Longbridge jumped to #11 on the month, up 190% from September to 58 loans
  • jumped all the way to #8, rising 74.5% to 89 loans
  • Fairway Independent grew 50% to 24 loans, now up 142% year to date

Don’t forget to check out the rankings on page 3 (trailing twelve months with channel splits) and page 4 (single month retail only). If your company is not an FHA approved lender, these are the only industry rankings where you’ll appear!

Click the image below to access the full report.

HECM Originators