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HECM Trends – March 2016

HECM endorsement volume in March almost exactly matched the prior two years’ totals, falling 108 short of March 2015 and just 88 loans short of March 2014.

  • Twelve months ago the industry was on an upswing before financial assessment
  • Two years ago endorsements were still a couple months away from the lowest monthly volume total in recent history after initial utilization restrictions were implemented

It’s tough to see much optimism right now with applications and case numbers issued both showing continued low volumes, but at least some western areas of the country are still showing growth for Q1 totals:

  • Colorado continues to lead the way with 43.8% growth from Q1 2015
  • Washington is up 20.4% to 378 loans on the quarter
  • Arizona rounds out our western top three with 8.8% growth

Be sure to check out the full report by clicking the image below.

HECM Trends