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HECM Lenders – January 2016

Looks like the coast might not be clear quite yet in the wake of Financial Assessment. HECM endorsements fell -8.1% to 3,890 loans in January after a small December increase. That puts FA impact at -32.3% decline from the (admittedly somewhat artificially inflated) August high volume level.

Of course, that didn’t stop some regions and lenders from starting the year off on a positive footing.

  • Rocky Mountain was the only region to grow in January, showing a 6.6% increase on the month to 241 loans
  • Among lenders, Liberty HES bounced back from a poor December, leaping 273% to 291 loans
  • Home Point also showed a gain, up 11.1% to 110 loans

If your company is FHA approved check out the rankings on page 5 of the report below. If your company is not FHA approved, watch out for our next edition of HECM Originators to find your ranking!

Click the image below for the full report.