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Hidden Capital – HECM Trends September 2014

One of the interesting items (among many!) in our HECM Trends newsletter is the year over year comparison of HECM endorsement volumes at the top of page 1. In this month’s version, you can see that September came in right on top of 2012’s total which is interesting given that year is the benchmark for whether 2014 will set a new low in calendar year volumes.

What’s not apparent here yet but will be next month, is that October comfortably exceeded both 2012 and 2013 totals, which puts 2014 back in the running to equal or exceed 2012’s total. More news to come there!

This month’s spotlight turns to Sacramento, CA as a growing city in spite of the national downturn. Despite a long history of reverse lenders being headquartered or keeping an office in the area, it’s a relative newcomer to the ranking tables with over $28 million in total Max Claim Amount for loans written year to date – an increase of $4.95 million from last year.

That volume has been pretty spread out across the city and among several lenders, but if you haven’t originated there recently take another look at this hidden performer!

Check out all the top states, cities and zip codes nationwide in the full report below by clicking the image below.

HECM Trends