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Baby Bounce – HECM Lenders September 2014

HECM endorsements bounced back from a dismal showing in August, rising 15.5% to 3,762 loans. That’s still below last year’s pace of 4,527 loans, but the gap is at least narrowing compared to last month’s drop of over 2,000 loans from Aug 2013.

Through 9 months, 2014 is running -6% behind the pace from 2013 in spite of the September bounce. Several lenders recovered nicely as well:

  • Liberty more than doubled from August to show their highest volume since March at 372 loans
  • Generation bounced back 43.8% after a big August drop that now looks mercifully short
  • AAG continues to lead the pack and bounced 34.8% to get back over 1,000 loans per month

If your company is FHA approved check out the rankings on page 5 of the report below. If your company is not FHA approved, watch out for our next edition of HECM Originators to find your ranking!

Click the image below for the full report.