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Wholesale Bump – HECM Originators January 2014

We wrote in a previous report of our surprise at January’s 19.7% increase in HECM endorsements, now we know that it was primarily wholesale channel loans powering that surge. Wholesale volume rose 39% in January, compared to a 7.5% increase on retail/direct endorsements from December.

Many of the top 10 lenders turned in impressive numbers for the month as well:

  • Security One/RMS jumped 43.7% to 1,145 loans – the first time since August we’ve seen any lender over 1,000 loans
  • Urban rose 70.1% for their highest monthly total since July
  • Generation almost doubled, up 97.4% to 381, also their highest since July

Don’t forget to check out the rankings on page 3 (trailing twelve months with channel splits) and page 4 (single month retail only). If your company is not an FHA approved lender, these are the only industry rankings where you’ll appear!

Click the image below to access the full report.