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Gaining Share – HECM Originators April 2012

HECM endorsements rose 5% in April, with the increase roughly similar across both retail/direct and TPO/wholesale channels. These aggregate numbers don’t show a significant spread between the channels, but as always there is a lot of movement among individual companies in the rankings.

On page 4 of the report below, we find 4 of the top 6 companies grew YTD volume by 100% or more, showing some benefits from the exit of Wells Fargo and Bank of America last year. Among these winners:

  • American Advisors Group, ranked third year to date and for the month of April, up 127% from the first four months of 2011
  • Genworth Financial, ranked fourth and up 101%
  • FNB Layton, ranked fifth and up 149%
  • Security One, ranked sixth in the month and seventh year to date, up 120%

Click the image below to see the full report, including rankings of all HECM originators including TPOs:

HECM Originators