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July 1, 2024

HECM Lenders – June 2024

June marked the midpoint of yet another year flying by way too fast with a bounce back to April levels for HECM endorsements. Overall volume dropped -14.4% to 2,105 loans.

Case numbers also showed a decline in the most recent month available (May), with all 3 loan purpose segments falling off.

  • Overall cases issued dropped -7.9% to […]

June 17, 2024

HECM Originators – April 2024

HECM endorsements continued their upward trend in April with 2,103 loans for a modest increase of 2.2% from March. Retail/direct continued their dominance in April with 7.5% endorsement growth while Wholesale/broker continued their decline dropping -5.7% from March.

When we look at the month over month endorsement on page 4 of our report, we had 6 of […]

June 3, 2024

HECM Lenders – May 2024

May blossomed beautifully for HECM endorsements, with the pace of growth so far this year increasing noticeably. Endorsement volume grew 16.9% to 2,460 loans.

But before we get too excited, it’s important to note that April case numbers issued were essentially flat, limiting the runway ahead for further or faster growth for the industry quite yet.

  • Overall […]

May 13, 2024

HECM Originators – Mar 2024

HECM endorsements dropped -4.2% in March, with the channel performance completely flipping from last month. Retail/direct bounced back 9% while Wholesale/broker dropped -2.3%.

The largest originators again outpaced the industry overall, as our page 4 ranking report shows 11 of the top 15 retail originators for the month growing >9%.

On a combined basis for lenders including […]

May 1, 2024

Lenders Leaping – HECM Lenders Apr 2024

April continued the slow but steady rise in endorsements, with 2,105 loans representing a 2.3% increase from March. And yet again, we saw March case numbers issued trend higher there as well, continuing the streak of consecutive monthly increases so far in 2024.

  • Overall cases issued grew 8.2% to 3,502 – the highest level since August
  • Equity […]

April 15, 2024

HECM Originators – Feb 2024

HECM endorsements dropped -8.3% in February, but that masked a slight improvement in Wholesale/broker volumes (+3.9%) as Retail/direct sank -15.7%.

While the shortest month of the year rarely provides great insight for the rest of the year to come, our page 4 ranking report offers some clues as to how the downturn has affected different companies […]

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