Now offering expert services and software tools for Servicing Oversight and Portfolio/Asset Management. Learn More.

HMBS Issuers/Servicers

Use Our Innovations To Inform Your Actions And Improve Your Returns

RMI gives HECM Mortgage Backed Securities (HMBS) issuers and loan servicers the HECM MSR and HMBS valuation models, analytics, historical loan performance data, and Servicing Oversight tools you need to value your current or potential reverse mortgage loans, portfolios and HMSRs as well as mitigate financial losses during loan servicing.


The HMBS Issuer/Servicer Tools

Get the Individual Value and Accurate Price For Every Loan


Valuation Engine

provides loan-level valuation of HECM, HMBS and HMSR valuation. Only RMI, with our one-of-a-kind reverse industry data repository, has the historical HMBS and HMSR data to be able to analyze each loan separately instead of grouping them in cohorts. Valuation Engine can be accessed directly on a SAAS model or as a professional service, and its HMSR reports give you a more accurate picture of the loans and securities you are buying or selling and your overall portfolio for financial statements.

  • Loan level
  • SAAS or professional service
  • HMSR reports for buy/sell or financial statement marks

Pricing Engine

gives you an efficient and highly accurate way to put a price on the closed loans you are buying. You can either upload loan tapes from close loan sellers, set your key business assumptions and automatically generate a price for each loan available, or sellers can upload their own tapes to your engines and instantly generate pricing on their own. Either way you get:

  • No back and forth with spreadsheets
  • No wasted hours in the process
  • More alignment between your front end and back end pricing of each load
  • Create rate sheets based on your servicing valuation performance

HMBS Prospector

lets you not only see the closed loans you may want to buy but also know to whom each loan is being sold so you can better track your competition. For significantly less cost than other industry offerings, you can dive into the most current industry data to: 

  • Filter results by Funding date, Securitization date, margin rates, etc.
  • Identify all your competitors who are buying loans


Maximize revenue, compare investor rate sheets, and see pricing including full HMBS valuation

Now you can quickly compare competitor pricing, create and distribute competitive rate sheets for business channels and pricing tiers, and always see the full valuation of any loan.

The Pricing Platform includes three integrated functions in one powerful solution

Rate Sheet Comparison has never been easier or more automated:

  • Take any group of rate sheets and drag and drop to upload 
  • See multiple rate sheets in one window
  • Easily compare loans by key criteria: price, margin/rate, and utilization

Rate Sheet Generation and Distribution is all in one place:

  • Upload multiple rate sheets and compare to determine what the market is doing
  • Create internal and external rate sheets that protect your margin
  • Automatically distribute, specifying who gets which sheet, all in one system with audit tracking

Full HMBS Valuation puts you in control:

  • Compare and generate rate sheets that include crucial Valuation Engine data
    • Choose to match market pricing; or
    • Use full HMBS Value to determine the price of the loans you buy and sell
  • Create your own rate sheets based on your criteria
  • Automatically distribute to any audience you determine

Technical Requirements
and Pricing

It’s Simpler in the Cloud

RMI software and data are maintained, updated regularly and stored securely on our servers. All you need to access your tools are a web browser and a subscription

Monthly subscriptions and feature selections can be customized to your team’s specific needs.

Contact us to lean more


Use our Simple, Secure and Proven Process.

API Integration

Put Our Data Inside Your Tools

API Integration - Put Our Data Inside Your Tools

You can access the most accurate and comprehensive database in the industry, and pull our individual data sets into your own tools to maximize your sales and marketing performance:

  • Add sales and volume detail to your customer-facing forms and sales funnel.  Retail lenders use the API to integrate RMI’s reverse mortgage household and volume data into origination tools.
  • Perform complex analysis and reporting in your internal applications. Wholesale lenders use the API to integrate RMI’s wholesale volume data directly into their CRM tools to give AE’s fast and easy access to volume trends and customer capture rates.

Make Better Decisions with Better Data

The RMI Data Repository

Your Data Helps Secure The Future

The RMI Data Repository - Your Data Helps Secure The Future

Access to accurate, comprehensive reverse mortgage performance data is critical for making better business decisions, and we need incontrovertible data to show regulators and consumers that we are all part of the financial solution for seniors.

  • We’ve partnered with leading technology providers to make sharing information in the repository as easy as clicking a few buttons
  • Information collected is similar to current investor/regulatory reporting (HMBS, Fannie Mae, FHA, etc.) so there is minimal data design needed.
  • Our datasets don’t require sensitive customer information, eliminating GLBA Privacy Act concerns and substantially reducing risk to lenders.

Be Part of the Solution

Learn How to Add to the Repository