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Thud – HECM Lenders Dec 2023

HECM endorsements dropped -3% to 2,190 loans in December, providing the resounding thud to a year those still in the industry will be happy to see the back of!

Four regions bucked the general malaise to end 2023:

  • Southeast/Caribbean rose 6.5% to 526 loans
  • New England grew for a second straight month, up 5.1% to 103 loans
  • Great Plains was just behind, gaining 5% to 42 loans
  • Midwest inched up 1.7% to 181 loans

The top lenders also had 4 gaining ground:

  • Hightech jumped 28.6% to 36 loans
  • Guild rose 25.9% to 73 loans
  • Open was up 25% to 30 loans in what is likely a pipeline clearing move
  • Mutual of Omaha increased 0.2% to 537 loans

Click the image below for the full report.