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Hello New Year – HECM Lenders January 2021

HECM endorsements started the new year with a bang, rising 10.8% to 4,539 loans. That’s the highest since the surge in May as endorsements caught up from the COVID-remote working transition lull in March and April. Quite the positive start for the year!

For the second straight month we saw 8 of the 10 regions increase volume compared to the prior month:

  • Mid-Atlantic more than recovered from a slight dip in December, jumping 40% to 273 loans
  • Northwest/Alaska leaped a second month in a row, rising 30.1% to 553 loans for its highest monthly total in over a year
  • Midwest joined the party too, gaining 19.5% to 276 loans

Lenders were only slightly less buoyant, with 7 of the top 10 up to start the year:

  • Hightech rose 67.9% to 94 loans
  • Longbridge endorsed 280 loans, a gain of 46.6% and their highest total ever on this report!
  • RMF leaped 38.9% to finish with 603 loans

Click the image below for the full report.