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HECM Originators – October 2020

HECM endorsements dropped -4.6% in October, but in a reversal from September the Wholesale/broker channel declined much more than Retail/direct, dropping -9.1% compared to just -1% for the latter.

Just two of the top ten lenders gained on the month:

  • Mutual of Omaha Mortgage gained 7.2%, endorsing 238 loans
  • RMF inched up 2.9% to 389 loans

Check out the originator rankings on page 4 to see more companies outside the top 10 doubling or tripling their reverse volume this year!

  • Our friend and longtime client Dave over at Green Monarch Mortgage jumped 433% in October and is showing 250% growth year to date! Way to go! 🙂

See the full report below by clicking on the image.

HECM Originators