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HECM Originators – February 2018

HECM endorsements dropped -17.6% in February, split relatively evenly across Retail (-16.9%) and Wholesale (-18.4%) channels.

That level of decline was made up of a lot of lenders, and High Tech was the only top 10 lender to increase in the month, rising 82.9% to 192 loans.

It gets more interesting as we look at our Originator rankings, which exclude the effects of brokered volume through the Wholesale channel:

  • AAG managed a 2% gain, in spite of a -5.3% drop in total volume on page 2
  • High Tech gained here too, rising 37.5% on a retail basis to 121 loans
  • jumped 70.4% to 92 loans, good for 9th place on the month

It happens to be a particularly good month to illustrate some of the differences between our rankings in this report, but make sure to look out for this report each month as the most accurate reflection of origination loan counts available.

Click the image below to access the full report.

HECM Originators