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HECM Originators – September 2017

HECM endorsements slid -6.7% in September after bouncing back in August, with Retail performing significantly better (-4.6%) than Wholesale (-9.1%).

The largest lenders showed a trememdous spread in performance:

  • Live Well bucked the down month to register a second consecutive big growth month, up 36.5% to 247 loans and their highest monthly total in over a year
  • AAG was the next best performer among the top 9 lenders and beat the industry average but still saw a -1.8% decline to 1,172 loans
  • 1st Nations Reverse showed the highest growth in the top 50 originators, rising 126.7% to 34 loans

Don’t forget to check out the rankings on page 3 (trailing twelve months with channel splits) and page 4 (single month retail only). If your company is not an FHA approved lender, these are the only industry rankings where you’ll appear!

Click the image below to access the full report.

HECM Originators